
    Nipun Lakshay

    NIPUN (National Initiative for proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy)
    As per the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the highest priority for the school education system is to achieve universal acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy skills at primary level by 2025.

    Foundational learning is the basis of all future learning for a child. Not achieving basic foundational skills of being able to read with comprehension, writing and doing basic mathematics operations, leaves the child unprepared for the complexities of the curriculum beyond grade III. So far, following major initiatives have been taken under NIPUN Bharat Mission-

    Constitution of National Steering Committee for the implementation of

    NIPUN Bharat Mission

    Development of Vidya Pravesh Guidelines and Module for Grade I

    Launch of NISHTHA-FLN for teachers and school heads of preschool to Grade

    Launch of NISHTHA ECCE for-master trainers/ resource persons for training of preschool teachers/Anganwadi workers

    Conduct of Foundational Learning Study (FLS)

    Creation of DIKSHA FLN portal for availability of FLN resources

    Conduct of 100 Days Reading Campaign

    Development of Guidelines for Parent Participation in Home-based Learning during School Closure and Beyond

    Dvelopment of Guidelines for Community Engagement in Foundational

    Learning; Training of Academic Task Force (ATF) and District Task Force Members (DTFs)

    National Conference on Initiatives in Foundational Learning: Voices from the Ground to exchange best practices, share status and understand challenges

    Continuous tracking and monitoring (monthly, quarterly, annually) of the mission implementation in all the states and UTs.